The general meeting is an opportunity for neighbors to get up to date on the projects, activities, general information about the neighborhood, and elect your leadership. Join us at the Oak Cliff Brewing Company on Thursday, November 14, 2019, at 6:00 PM
- Chad West: Discussing current city activities in Oak Cliff and an open Q&A
- Picking Up Trash – a new group idea
- General election and Q&A
- Positions Available: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Beautification
- Open floor
Pack a meal: Bring your own wine, soda, and food.
If you have a topic that you would like to discuss, please contact one of the board members listed below.
Executive Board
Shawn Johnson
Stuart Gill
Stephanie Engwall
Joseph Beckham
Kent Frederick
Angie Mobley
Joseph Beckham
Kent Frederick
Alejandra Rodriguez
Stuart Gill
Veronica Escontrías-Whitener
Evan Engwall
Bob Ikel
Block Captains
Joseph Beckham
Veronica Escontrías-Whitener
Jonathan Saxer
Alex Mobley
Ron Forwark
Joseph Beckham
Mariam Andersen