Join us for the fifth of seven “Neighborhood Priorities for Parks: Smart Growth for Dallas Community Meetings”, where we will share and discuss the physical, social, environmental, and economic factors that influence the ease and barriers to access and experience of Dallas’ parks and open space. The outcomes of these meetings will directly influence the development of the Smart Growth for Dallas “decision support” tool that will help Dallas prioritize its investments in parks based on their economic, social, and ecological benefits. Results of the program will be available to city staff, non-profit partners and the public through an interactive website.
Smart Growth for Dallas is a partnership with The Trust for Public Land, building community WORKSHOP, The Dallas Park and Recreation Department, and The Texas Trees Foundation. The project uses Geographic Information System computer modeling and on-the-ground engagement with residents and park users to identify areas where parks can grow the local economy, connect communities, improve public health, and protect the city’s most important natural places.
…find the best places for new parks in Dallas that can connect our communities, make us healthier, and protect our most important natural places.
…help Dallas build better parks that can make our city stronger. This exciting event will include surveys, guided discussions, and interactive maps, all geared toward getting input from YOU about what YOU want from Dallas’s park system.
5:30pm, Sign-in begins
6:00pm, presentation & activities